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Bird Exclusion – How to Keep Birds Away

Birds are often a joy to watch from a bird feeder in one’s own backyard or by a naturalist who takes birdwatching seriously. Unfortunately, some birds can become destructive and a nuisance. While there are many ways to get rid of birds, it may be more difficult to keep them from coming back. Knowing a little about the behaviors of common bird pests leads understanding the best strategies available to keep them away. 

Common Birds That Are Difficult to Repel

Some birds are downright cute and have beautiful songs. Then others seem to be an ongoing problem. From destroying structures to leaving behind bird droppings, the issues can seem overwhelming to landowners and the general public. Different types of birds wreak havoc in different ways depending on their behavior, eating habits, and nesting preferences. The following are commonly seen as pests when they appear in large numbers:

  • Pigeons – Are attracted to public places where food is often dropped
  • Starlings – Commonly build nests on public and personal structures
  • Sparrows – Can build nests and cause damage to roofs and eaves
  • Seagulls – Often cause destruction in areas located near water

Simple Ways to Keep Birds Away

There are a number of strategies that can be used to keep birds at bay. This typically depends on the environment and the type of bird pest. For birds that are attracted to food and eat everything in sight, such as pigeons, it’s important to keep areas free of food and food scraps. Food that needs to be thrown away should be placed in containers that cannot be accessed by birds. Some birds, such as sparrows and starlings, are scavengers and pick up anything in sight to make their nests so it’s important not to leave any debris or garbage lying around.

Special Bird Exclusion Tools

While keeping areas free of debris, garbage and food may work, birds might be attracted to others areas where they can perch, roost, and nest. When the situations calls for more aggressive measures, the following devices work as good deterrents.

  • Bird spikes keep perching birds from nesting on ledges and similar structures.
  • Bird nets and metal wiring can be used to cover areas where birds frequent.
  • Electronic bird deterrents send a harmless, low-level shock to birds that attempt to rest. 

Eliminating birds that have become pests isn’t always easy. No matter the method taken, it’s important to check all laws regarding protection of birds. In most cases, it’s safe to employ the methods mentioned because they are simply designed to exclude the birds. If in doubt, one must contact professionals for assistance with proper bird control.

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